Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gift Cards The Acceptable Impersonal Gift?

Gift cards have taken the world by storm. Some people love em, some dont. Me personally a bad gift is a bad gift. I have be given gift cards from stores that are not even in my country, let alone in my neighbourhood. However, I have received good ones too!!

Remeber, once upon a time, we use to put cash in an envelope? We were told it was "taboo" a "thoughtless" best. (Personally, I have no problem with cash LOL). But seriously, what is the difference?  In giving cash, the recipient can spent it however and wherever they want. But on the other hand, will they spend it on a gift for themselves, or will they pay bills with it and forget it?

I have researched this topic for a while now, and truly, the people that like gift cards vs. those who hate them are pretty well equal.

Some have admitted to giving gift cards because they are too lazy to shop for anything else. Yikes!! Some people have said that the gift card is for the giver, not  the recipient. It saves them time  and headaches, trying to shop for that perfect gift.

To Be Or Not To Be - I think gift cards are here to stay. I think the trick to perfect gift giving, whether it be gift cards or gift baskets is to know your recipient. What foods or restaurants do they like, do they like movies, do they like or play sports, etc.

Hey, what happened to that old saying, "Its the thought that counts"?

Please leave a comment and let me know... Do you like receiving gift cards?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gift Baskets, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

During the holiday season, I had an opportunity to check out what the big box stores were offering by way of gift baskets. What I saw wasn't good, what people were doing was even worse. What I saw was gift baskets with hardly anything in them just air, filler and dusty wrinkled cello.  I also noticed that the bows were just lumps and clumps of wrinkled fabric.What people were doing was even worse. They were buying them!!! I cant imagine being the recipient of such a gift. Dont they realize that their gift choice represents them. I just couldn't believe it. There are tons of very talented gift basket designers that have excellent choices for gift baskets. They will customize to suit your budget, they will create beautiful one of a kind gift baskets, that wont be found everywhere!!, and they will deliver. Where are these gift basket stores? They are on-line, they are in your neighbourbood, they are everywhere.

Unfortunately, now the word "gift basket" conjurs up thoughts of  low quality, cheap goods, thrown in a wicker basket. That's a shame.

Having said that... there are people and businesses that understand quality and excellent service. They get it.

Next time you need a gift. Do a search for a gift basket designer/shop near you. From the comfort of your home, you can shop their website, or give them a call. They will ask you what the occasion is and what's your budget They will make suggestions, ask if you want a gift encl. card and then they'll ask if you want it delievered and when.

Its that easy.

Talk again soon.

Jackie Flamminio
Savoir Faire Gift Basket Company